In the beginning


“Expensive, ineffective marketing almost killed my first business, drove my wife away, and starved my kids – it was one of the most painful periods in my life!”


Many years ago, with a new marketing degree rolled up in my hand, and a new family to support, I left a great corporate job, moved to Florida, and bought a business.  It was a “train wreck.” I quickly found out the only marketing help I would get would be from me. The bigger businesses had big, expensive marketing agencies to help them with their marketing problems, and small businesses like mine had only small agencies with very limited experience in solving many marketing problems associated with small businesses. I could not find a reasonably priced marketing agency that could – or would – help me, so I started my own!

Most professional marketers were - and still are - reluctant to share helpful information because they think if you know what their “secret” is, you would no longer need their services. And they would be right! 

Almost two years ago, I left a great group of clients, employees and a successful career as an executive marketing coach to complete my lifelong goal of creating and developing a complete marketing system. It would be different, be better, and be the first cost - effective marketing system available in the marketplace. I wanted a system I could share with struggling businesses. It is an ongoing project. I have finished most of it. Here it is.

One more thing I have learned, after over 35 years helping businesses grow faster, is that being a successful marketer is hard enough, without having to figure out everything on your own. The good news is you don’t have to. I can help you stay on the marketing learning curve. You can stay focused on the things that matter most to help your business quickly achieve the goals that have been set for it. So…

As your marketing coach, my first goal is to become your trusted advisor. I want to help you avoid the high priced, mostly worthless marketing information available today – the “bright, shiny ideas.” The best way to do this is to introduce you to the marketing system I created and developed. I call it …

The Strategy of Supremacy Marketing System™ –

Learn more about our unique, secret marketing strategy that consists of 8 parts in a step by step formula that sets you up for proven results and success.

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